"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th. A day to remember..

10 years ago today my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Walker kept us in from recess. We were so mad at her until she sat us down and turned on CNN. We were 5th graders mourning the lives of people we had never dreamed of meeting and watching 2 towers fall, when we knew nothing about why they existed in the first place. We were so naive; we could never imagine that another country could dare to step into our country and destroy something that apparently meant so much to us. For the greater part of my life we as a nation have been at war. It's hard to think, still to this day, that HATE could drive a nation to such destruction.

Now fast forward 10 years to today. This morning at 10 o'clock I got a phone call from one of my closest friends telling me that my best friend was in a very bad car wreck. But because we serve a mighty God he blessed Brooke and Kali with more time on this precious place we call home.

This day may or may not be cursed.. but whatever it is, I'll be happy when it's over. But first, thank you God for allowing us to have these amazing relationships! You've blessed us with beautiful people to call friends and family and I am eternally grateful for that!! I thank you for our freedom that was FOUGHT for. I also thank you for our troops for fighting for our rights that we do not always deserve. I pray you will keep the loved one of our fallen soldiers close to our hearts today and everyday!!! And I thank you for this country that keeps fighting no matter what stands in our way or tries to hold us down. Thank you God for blessing the US.

Shout out to my soldier that fought for years all over the country so that I could sleep soundly in my own bed. I love you so much Rob!
And for Brooke and Kali, I love you both so very much and I am so glad that I still have the chance to tell you that!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Slip an slide or die..?

I miss NSU so so much, not softball, but nsu people.

I had the best weekend or my life last weekend..
Night 1: beer olympics.
  • Me and my partner Kali chugged at least 6 beers and were 3-3 against the baseball boys. Great welcome back party if I do say so myself. Plus we saw Steven (Kevin) dance with a 40 year old hahaha
Night 2: Slip and slide night.
  • We started the night off with some solid beer pong and LSU tiger football. Blah (BOOMER SOONER)! After the game and a couple of trips to the beer barn we were ready to see what the body had in store for us! Me and Kali were in jean shorts, v necks, and sandels and we had more people befriend us and wanna dance with us than those redic sorostitutes.. ha so amazing. Then after the popo shut us down we headed back to Matt's house. To start our second wind party Joe proposed to me and Jess and promised to work 4 jobs to support us. It was presh.. he even gave us rings!!! Then, while it's pouring outside me and Kali had the bright idea to go slip and sliding. And ironically Steven/Kevin had 2 tarps in his truck. After a solid hour of slip and sliding we headed back inside for an amazing 2step party. Then it was off to Taco Bell at 4 in the morning before we went to bed!
Night 3: Mixed feelings night hahaha
  • Night 3 I FINALLY got to see my bff Mel and we went to dinner at chils. Then after we picked up Jess and put on our very fashionable jean shorts and tshirts. Yes, we had a nice little tshirt night, however, some girls did not get this message but they looked like retards because they were in dresses while all the legit girls (there were a lot) were in tshirts. We partied it up and then of course Kali and some retard named Mitch got in a fight. He was top grade A hole material. Sadly, he's from Mansfield.. shocker.. Sorry I'm not sorry. But it was a very successful night ;)

I had the most amazing time with my closest friends! :) I CANNOT wait to be back for Halloween

Pics of course..

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just because I don't lift my hand in church doesn't make me less of a Christian..

Usually I love Sundays because it means I just finished an awesome weekend! This weekend however was horrible. I literally did NOTHING. Plus I was home all alone. I hate being alone. But you know what I hate even more than being alone?! Being with somebody and being miserable.. My life has gotten pretty difficult this past month. I am literally rebuilding my life. New school, new friends, new boys (that's right it's official), new everything. It is soooo scary to me. I LOVE change but I hate the first part of it. I like to think that I'm stronger than I really am.. it's my cross to bare. But right now I am pleased to say that I worship an almighty God and man does he love me more than I deserve.

I was in church today, so mad I think my eyes were shooting fire. And I HATE that because I'm not an angry person!! But when I was singing during worship I asked God to hold me and remind me that church is a time to worship Him and not worry about what was outside those doors. And, for the first time in a really long time I felt like I wasn't alone. I literally felt comfort that I have been desperately searching for!! How amazing is that? I feel so bad for everything that's been going on in my life because I'm sure I've been a horrible friend and daughter..

When I got home, my little brother was here!! He's my best friend and I value his opinion more than anyone else's because he is only looking out for my best interest. He said everything I needed but didn't want to hear. He was the mirror I've been trying so hard to ignore. But, on a lighter note, I'm feeling positive about my new life!!

And currently listening to Coldplay.. I love this song right now because it's my life. "nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard, let's take it back to the start" LOVE IT.

Welp, things will hopefully start looking up! Praying..

Natchitoches bound in 4 days!! :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

My favorite college memories thus far.. :)

I LOVED my freshman & sophomore year of college and here are some pictures to prove why haha :)

This is Brooke, my bff, we went to an amazing Rangers game in the summer time :)

This was our first night to meet eachother and get crazy.. it was all downhill from here

Possibly my favorite night of college, it was the Sigma Nu party and I
didn't make it to my history final that next morning at 8am..

Same night different people.. :)

All the freshman girls out for our last party of our freshman year! I LOVED this team..

Out by the pool after practice one day.. this is why I love Jessica English!

First annule White Trash Bash!! :) Too funny

Justin Moore concert with Brooke and Stormi, we had too many crazy nights together!

Just a random weekend but I thoroughly enjoyed it

In this very picture I realized me and Jessica were soulmates haha I loved her for being a hippy <3

My very 1st Christmas fest!! It was so fun but so very cold!!!!

My favorite roomie Kylie :)

When the Heath girls came to visit! :)

Halloween '10 was a hot mess but one of the funnest nights ever with this girl

This was more of a great experience.. "forkemforkemforkem"

A crappy drive to college station turned into a hot mess at cs followed by a horrible
trip home but at this very moment I could care less about everything else. I will
always be so greatful to Ashleigh Kuhn for this night! :)

Pictures for Christmas fest my sophomore year, I miss this time period.. kind of

Brooke's 20th birthday. This is the night of which we do not speak of..
and the first time I partied with my parents and little brother!

A better picture of us at Brooke's 20th!

The night Kylie made an impression at the Marina!

Brooke's 19th birthday!! :)

My last night out of my sophomore year and with this group of girls <3

There you have it. Some pretty amazing times of my life!!! I miss these points in my life very very much and
I wish I could have some of them back, but it's def made me into the person I am today.. (idk if that's
good or bad but it's true). Of course these are not the only awesome times I had but the were the ones
that either made the cut, or were appropriate to put online! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Catching up

Okay okay, it's been a few days but I'm back :)


I would like to make a few statements on these little multi-billion dollar peeps:
1) I'm already not a fan of the pro football world but this is redic.
         - this is the slow start to the end of the NFL
3) Jerry Jones is a moron
4) I'm over this "injury scare"
       - BY NO MEANS do I think being safe is dumb but come on now..
            it's football. This is a mans sport!! Back in the day people were plowed
              and dominated on the field every week and guess what? THEY'RE STILL ALIVE.

These may just be stupid female remarks but that is how I feel..

I got to see my favorite brother this weekend :)
I am so proud of my little Cisco Wrangler!!
He did so so good.. caught everything thrown his way!
Needless to say, I'm proud of him :)

Well I'm out yo..
It's been real blog world!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My first day as a norm

So,  I woke up this morning at 9 o'clock to head out to Plano for my new experience as a Collin College Cougar.. It only took me a whole 25 minutes to get there but after 3 and a half hours I left not sure if that day would ever come. I stood in my first line for an hour and fifteen minutes then when it was my turn to meet with one of the THREE women at the admissions office she helped me apply for school and shipped me off to the next line. Then I printed out my unofficial transcript like she told me too, thinking it would all be down hill from here. Well, I got in the unbelievable short line to meet with an advisor only to be handed this..

Yep, that's right.. a coaster. Number 136!! I waited another hour and a half to see this "advisor" and you know what she told me?! I need to register for my classes by myself online and then she told me that I only needed 12 hours to get my associates degree but I had too many credits to get it there? WTF right?! Soooooo.. I'm gonna try and take 12 hours because I am NOT taking a science class at 8 o'clock at night. And then I am getting the heck out of there and heading to UTA :)

Then, on the way home I saw a man smoking his old pipe in his little baby blue car with a big SFA sticker on the back of it.

BUUUTTTT, it's my meme's birthday so I get to eat at Carmona's tonight with the whole fam damily.

PLUS, I've already lost 2 pounds on my new diet. :) yayy..
                                it won't last.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Okay, so here goes,
This is obvi my first blog ever! Please do not judge the content or the spelling :(

I would like to forwarn everyone (and by everyone I mean no one because I don't really exsist on this whole blog world) that this first post shall be rather boring. But, I will go ahead and add a picture to make it look more interesting than it really is..

I think that is all for my first post.. I'll think of more interesting things and post them later. In the meantime, I leave you with this..

Please don't tell her I posted this..