"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

Friday, August 26, 2011

My favorite college memories thus far.. :)

I LOVED my freshman & sophomore year of college and here are some pictures to prove why haha :)

This is Brooke, my bff, we went to an amazing Rangers game in the summer time :)

This was our first night to meet eachother and get crazy.. it was all downhill from here

Possibly my favorite night of college, it was the Sigma Nu party and I
didn't make it to my history final that next morning at 8am..

Same night different people.. :)

All the freshman girls out for our last party of our freshman year! I LOVED this team..

Out by the pool after practice one day.. this is why I love Jessica English!

First annule White Trash Bash!! :) Too funny

Justin Moore concert with Brooke and Stormi, we had too many crazy nights together!

Just a random weekend but I thoroughly enjoyed it

In this very picture I realized me and Jessica were soulmates haha I loved her for being a hippy <3

My very 1st Christmas fest!! It was so fun but so very cold!!!!

My favorite roomie Kylie :)

When the Heath girls came to visit! :)

Halloween '10 was a hot mess but one of the funnest nights ever with this girl

This was more of a great experience.. "forkemforkemforkem"

A crappy drive to college station turned into a hot mess at cs followed by a horrible
trip home but at this very moment I could care less about everything else. I will
always be so greatful to Ashleigh Kuhn for this night! :)

Pictures for Christmas fest my sophomore year, I miss this time period.. kind of

Brooke's 20th birthday. This is the night of which we do not speak of..
and the first time I partied with my parents and little brother!

A better picture of us at Brooke's 20th!

The night Kylie made an impression at the Marina!

Brooke's 19th birthday!! :)

My last night out of my sophomore year and with this group of girls <3

There you have it. Some pretty amazing times of my life!!! I miss these points in my life very very much and
I wish I could have some of them back, but it's def made me into the person I am today.. (idk if that's
good or bad but it's true). Of course these are not the only awesome times I had but the were the ones
that either made the cut, or were appropriate to put online! :)


  1. omg! i loved this post! i can't wait to do one of my very own! :) :) :) i love you so much! (thanks for the marina shout out lol)

  2. Hahah I tried to put it in a nice way!! :) I had a lot more but I figured if I ever wanted a big girl job I shouldn't put them on here in case they checked! ANNNDDD I am really looking forward to your post!!
