"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My first day as a norm

So,  I woke up this morning at 9 o'clock to head out to Plano for my new experience as a Collin College Cougar.. It only took me a whole 25 minutes to get there but after 3 and a half hours I left not sure if that day would ever come. I stood in my first line for an hour and fifteen minutes then when it was my turn to meet with one of the THREE women at the admissions office she helped me apply for school and shipped me off to the next line. Then I printed out my unofficial transcript like she told me too, thinking it would all be down hill from here. Well, I got in the unbelievable short line to meet with an advisor only to be handed this..

Yep, that's right.. a coaster. Number 136!! I waited another hour and a half to see this "advisor" and you know what she told me?! I need to register for my classes by myself online and then she told me that I only needed 12 hours to get my associates degree but I had too many credits to get it there? WTF right?! Soooooo.. I'm gonna try and take 12 hours because I am NOT taking a science class at 8 o'clock at night. And then I am getting the heck out of there and heading to UTA :)

Then, on the way home I saw a man smoking his old pipe in his little baby blue car with a big SFA sticker on the back of it.

BUUUTTTT, it's my meme's birthday so I get to eat at Carmona's tonight with the whole fam damily.

PLUS, I've already lost 2 pounds on my new diet. :) yayy..
                                it won't last.

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