"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th. A day to remember..

10 years ago today my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Walker kept us in from recess. We were so mad at her until she sat us down and turned on CNN. We were 5th graders mourning the lives of people we had never dreamed of meeting and watching 2 towers fall, when we knew nothing about why they existed in the first place. We were so naive; we could never imagine that another country could dare to step into our country and destroy something that apparently meant so much to us. For the greater part of my life we as a nation have been at war. It's hard to think, still to this day, that HATE could drive a nation to such destruction.

Now fast forward 10 years to today. This morning at 10 o'clock I got a phone call from one of my closest friends telling me that my best friend was in a very bad car wreck. But because we serve a mighty God he blessed Brooke and Kali with more time on this precious place we call home.

This day may or may not be cursed.. but whatever it is, I'll be happy when it's over. But first, thank you God for allowing us to have these amazing relationships! You've blessed us with beautiful people to call friends and family and I am eternally grateful for that!! I thank you for our freedom that was FOUGHT for. I also thank you for our troops for fighting for our rights that we do not always deserve. I pray you will keep the loved one of our fallen soldiers close to our hearts today and everyday!!! And I thank you for this country that keeps fighting no matter what stands in our way or tries to hold us down. Thank you God for blessing the US.

Shout out to my soldier that fought for years all over the country so that I could sleep soundly in my own bed. I love you so much Rob!
And for Brooke and Kali, I love you both so very much and I am so glad that I still have the chance to tell you that!!

1 comment:

  1. it's crazy that our generation knew hardly anything about 9-11, we were SO young. but now, we're the generation that is still at war defending it.. it's just crazy to me to think that when it actually happened, we were 5th graders, but now a handful of all those guys i was in school w/ are serving our country.
