"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Slip an slide or die..?

I miss NSU so so much, not softball, but nsu people.

I had the best weekend or my life last weekend..
Night 1: beer olympics.
  • Me and my partner Kali chugged at least 6 beers and were 3-3 against the baseball boys. Great welcome back party if I do say so myself. Plus we saw Steven (Kevin) dance with a 40 year old hahaha
Night 2: Slip and slide night.
  • We started the night off with some solid beer pong and LSU tiger football. Blah (BOOMER SOONER)! After the game and a couple of trips to the beer barn we were ready to see what the body had in store for us! Me and Kali were in jean shorts, v necks, and sandels and we had more people befriend us and wanna dance with us than those redic sorostitutes.. ha so amazing. Then after the popo shut us down we headed back to Matt's house. To start our second wind party Joe proposed to me and Jess and promised to work 4 jobs to support us. It was presh.. he even gave us rings!!! Then, while it's pouring outside me and Kali had the bright idea to go slip and sliding. And ironically Steven/Kevin had 2 tarps in his truck. After a solid hour of slip and sliding we headed back inside for an amazing 2step party. Then it was off to Taco Bell at 4 in the morning before we went to bed!
Night 3: Mixed feelings night hahaha
  • Night 3 I FINALLY got to see my bff Mel and we went to dinner at chils. Then after we picked up Jess and put on our very fashionable jean shorts and tshirts. Yes, we had a nice little tshirt night, however, some girls did not get this message but they looked like retards because they were in dresses while all the legit girls (there were a lot) were in tshirts. We partied it up and then of course Kali and some retard named Mitch got in a fight. He was top grade A hole material. Sadly, he's from Mansfield.. shocker.. Sorry I'm not sorry. But it was a very successful night ;)

I had the most amazing time with my closest friends! :) I CANNOT wait to be back for Halloween

Pics of course..

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